Affiliate Disclosure

You have arrived at the page where I placed my Compensation Disclosure for my site treadmill watch dot com.

When the FTC announced that they unanimously approved brand new guidelines for endorsements and testimonials, I was glad.

These new guidelines were able to further affirm that there are material connections behinds endorsements that could now be disclosed. This was a great thing, and I wish to offer my own information regarding disclosures now.

It is my privilege and honor to always offer you my services free of charge.

I really would not want it to be any other way. The country, in which I reside, however, believes that time equals money. Therefore, it is not free for me to offer these things. It takes a lot of time and energy, as well as review research, for me to keep this running, but there are some specific ways that I am able to get money for what I do, at least in small amounts.

The links on my site,, are set up so that I can collect a bit of money if readers use certain ones.

This does not happen with every single link, but it does happen often enough that I find it important to share this information with all of you. May it be a Sole F80 treadmill review or a treadmill buying guide. I hope that by sharing this you understand that understand that I wish you to come back, and that I love your loyalty. You are the sole reason for my success, so please understand that you mean the world to me. These links allow my patrons to help me keep costs at a minimum for customization and design, but please do not think I am making millions.

It is merely a paltry sum to keep things running smoothly and for costs to remain at a minimum.

I do receive commission from different affiliates, but this is not ever going to, nor has it ever, influences that content, review or topic that you see here. I do my very best to monitor the links on my page, and to provide content that is trustworthy and honest. However, I cannot monitor them at all times. Please keep in mind that you must take nothing at face value when you click over to other sites, and that you need to use your best judgment at all times.

I am not directly related to anybody on the other sites outside of mine, so I have no control over their contents, reviews or products.

In short, I am extremely grateful to all of you.

Each one of you who clicks to and from my site make it possible for me to do this, which I am eternally happy about. I will continue to offer you great content and treadmill reviews at a superior quality. I will always do this free of charge for my loyal readers.

If anything is contrary to this disclosure, or seems strange, please understand that you can contact me and I will fix it.

The owner of

I last updated this Compensation Disclosure on February 14, 2014.